Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Missions can look diffeent for everyone. For those of us in East Petersburg Mennonite Church, it means our mission field is our homes, our neighborhoods, our workplaces and our city. As the Lord leads, people can be sent out farther to share God's love with those in other areas of the United States and other countries. We are all called to be the light and we must listen to the Holy Spirit on how and where He wants us to shine.

Active Missionaries
appolinair and valerie ntiganzwa
Valerie and Appolinaire have been serving in Rwanda for 14 years along with their 6 children. They are with Commission to every Nation mission organization. Appolinaire serves as the pastor of a local rural church in Ntunga. There is a school there that’s from nursery through grade 6. They also run a children’s center next to their home and Valerie homeschools Benjamin, Shami and Kaneza.
jonathan bornman
Jonathan Bornman, serves globally as a consultant for churches and leaders, especially in the area of teaching/training Christians how to build life-giving relationships with Muslims through dialogue, peacemaking, witness, and hospitality. He leads EMM’s Christian-Muslim Relations Team.
Allan and carol werts
Allan and Carol Werts have served in Whales as missionaries for 25 years. Along with their three children they serve in the local church, with a community center and leading a small group.
Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trip, location to be determined
We value mission and we wait for the Holy Spirit to lead us into the next adventure. Please pray for us to receive direction on where He wants us to go next.